“Wow. We look great in those matching polos, with no wind blowing through our hair with our children standing perfectly still and not laughing at all”

-Said none of my clients. Ever.

 I’m Jess. A central New Jersey based family, newborn, and boudoir photographer.

Let me cut to the chase.. I don’t want your session to be a representation of how you look or how little your hair blew in the wind or how perfectly well-behaved your kids are (if you have ‘em). I want them to be a testament to your love. I want the emotion to be nearly palpable.

I know what you’re thinking.. “Well. We don’t know HOW to be that way, what to do or where in the hell to put our damn hands!” That’s why I’m here! I guide the entire session, every run, jump, tender moment.. I’m here to find the beauty in your reality. I want you to let go and embrace the chaos.

When you look back at your photos, I want it to be like a vortex straight into that moment. I want you to feel the way your partner gently touches your cheek, I want you to hear the laughter, and feel the wind at your back (even if it is just me with a leaf blower).

A bit about me: Momma to two wild boys, wife to a very patient husband, Star Wars lover, 1970s-obsessed, Croc-wearer, and utter homebody.

If this all sounds good to you.. then hell yes, we are a match! You can head on over to my session pages to get an idea of starting prices and to get more info or fill out the contact form to reach me directly.

Can’t wait to hear from you!
